Creating a lifestyle to be proud of.....

My Story......

On my social networks, I share my life on the farm, and how I'm building my affiliate marketing business. Lately I've also been sharing my mindset journey to creating a life for us that is less busy and more fulfilling.  Slowing things down a bit, more life and less busy. 

I have been sharing over on Instagram at Two Kids and a Farmyard for almost 4 years now, and it all started amongst the isolation that comes from living in a pretty remote place.  I wanted to share the chaos that was our crazy farmyard, life with two little boys, work off farm, jobs on the farm and running our household.   When I started my Instagram page, life felt like a lot, but sharing it helped me to see the funny side of things.  

Along the way I embarked on my second go round with reducing the use of harsh chemicals in our home.  The first time didn't work out, my eldest was a tiny baby, and I didn't have the support to make the change a success.  Fast forward 4 years, and I learned enough that I was convinced I had to stop putting it off.  That is when I became a doTERRA customer and joined a big community of people with the same goal as me.  That community, to this day has kept me on track and now I'm confident in the food we eat, the cleaning products I use and the body care products that we put on our skin.  It's taken a lot of little steps, but I've learned so much on the way, that I began sharing that side of my life, to help inspire others to begin making changes in their homes. 

My latest interest and goal is to integrate affiliate marketing, as a way to support our farm and diversify in this modern world.  I grew up in a farming family, actually on the very property we now live at, and I have a deep seated understanding that farming is all governed by the weather.  I've seen it, as a kid, my Dad working massive days to feed stock in dry times with the money flying out of the accounts in the process.  I know now, that despite all his hard work, things still went backwards during those drought times.  I decided that there is one thing about our farming journey that I can change for my family, and that is our reliance on the weather and our struggle to get by.  We live in a world where the internet provides infinite opportunities, if we're motivated enough to chase them down.  

I work a part time job off farm in our little local town, but aside from that there are no other employment opportunities for me.  So I can't just 'go to work' to support our family, but thanks to the internet I can work online, and I have chosen to pursue affiliate marketing. 

I am so thankful for the motivation and enthusiasm that has come from making the decision to start with affiliate marketing.  It has lit a fire in my belly that had well simmered down, and it has given me a new passion and motivation that was missing from my days.  Affiliate marketing is so much more than money, and if you hang out with me on Instagram at Two Kids and a Farmyard, you'll learn all about it and our life here on the farm.